Apple released their latest series of iPhones couple of months ago. Most of them had usual Apple's design language except one device. The iPhone X or the anniversary edition of the iPhone series added some interesting remarks for the history of iPhones. Almost bezel less Amoled display and the revolutionary face id are the most unique features of the iPhone X. But, almost bezel less Amoled display is not a new thing for the smartphone world. Galaxy S8, the Essential phone and even some Chinese form factors like Xiaomi Mi MIX have already launched with bezel less displays. But the Face ID feature is a game changer for the smartphone security. Even though we had face ID technique in Android devices, it simply uses the front camera to scan your face. Therefore you cannot use it when you are in darker room. Also it can easily be fooled by a photograph. But Apple's face ID works even in dark places and cannot easily be fooled by photographs. Because they have removed touch id from iPhone X, and also they have merged Apple pay capabilities with face id, they have to be very careful in terms of security. So they have integrated a very solid technology to strengthen the security of the face id feature.
Sensors they use
To initiate the face id feature, Apple uses couple of sensor modules. All the sensors are established in the top notch on the iPhone X.
- Dot projector
- Flood illuminator
- Infrared camera
Dot Projector emits over 30,000 infrared light points to your face.
Infrared camera captures 2-D infrared snapshots of your face which has surrounded with infrared dotes. Then the reflection is measured to calculate the depth and angle from the camera. Then system creates a depth image of your face.
Flood illuminator helps the system to make the identifying process even in darker places.
They have trained a neural network such a way that the system is capable of identifying a face even with some major changes. To do this they simply take a face and feed it to the neural network, then they train neural network to identify the same face with some major changes. Likewise, they have trained their system with millions of faces. So now the system can easily identify you even if you are having hat, glasses etc. This is the major secret behind the neural processing engine.
So the face ID process can be summarized as follows.
Flood illuminator helps the system to make the identifying process even in darker places.
How it identifies you when you are wearing glasses, hat or having a mustache ?
This is the most crucial part of the face ID system. According to Apple, faking face ID is harder than twice as faking touch the ID. So in order to build such stronger system, they are using a strong machine learning technology, Neural Networks. You will remind that they have mentioned about a neural processing engine which has been integrated to the Apple's new A11 bionic chip. This is the part that does the trick. This neural engine made to identify and process face ID and animojis.They have trained a neural network such a way that the system is capable of identifying a face even with some major changes. To do this they simply take a face and feed it to the neural network, then they train neural network to identify the same face with some major changes. Likewise, they have trained their system with millions of faces. So now the system can easily identify you even if you are having hat, glasses etc. This is the major secret behind the neural processing engine.
So the face ID process can be summarized as follows.
Apart from that even when we looking at the phone screen just to check the notifications or time, it tends to unlock. So it will be annoying for some users as well.
So this is a basic article to explain the mechanism of the Apple's new face ID feature in brief. Lets meet with another interesting article. Like our Facebook page to stay up-to date.✌